8 Different Types of Brooklyn Time-Lapse Videography

8 Different Types of Brooklyn Time-Lapse Videography [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get a time-lapse video quote here!”] Brooklyn Time-Lapse Videography is a great technique used for filmmaking. The different options of Time-Lapse Videography in Brooklyn are a number of ways that you can use it for your project. Take a look at the various ways it’s often used […]

How much does a Brooklyn camera crew cost?

How Much Does a Brooklyn Camera Crew Cost

What you spend on a Brooklyn camera crew depends on what your project entails. Are you looking for a camera operator who can work on a project in less than a half a day? Or do you need a few camera operators filming footage for the whole day? Brooklyn Camera crew pay rates depend on the project needs you may have in mind. Location, video length, necessary angles, equipment, and […]