How Do I Hire a Production Sound Mixer?
How Do I Hire a Production Sound Mixer? Production sound mixers, sometimes referred to like the sound recordist on the film set, work with the entire production team to deliver top-notch sound for the production. Working with various equipment, and fully understanding the technical involvement of sound assistants alongside the various other film crew is […]
6 Post Production Sound Problems & Possible Fixes

Correcting sound problems on set generally starts with finding the problem and then eliminating it from the equation, but post production sound problems have quite different fixes. In post production, the sound problem is already a major element of the finished track. Therefore, determining the problem with the sound and then defining a solution become […]
What is a Scratch Track & Why is it Important?

Scratch tracks are used in the film production process to provide key details on timing and content for use in producing the final audio files for a film. The scratch track is especially common when filming on location makes it difficult or even impossible to record adequate audio for use in the final cut. GET […]
What is the Difference Between Diegetic Sound and Non-Diegetic Sound?

Onscreen And offscreen sound, termed diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound, is best explained in terms of the location in which the sound takes place on the video. Essentially, diegetic sound may take place on screen or off-screen. Whereas the non-diegetic sound is not taking place from within the frame, on the screen or off and […]
What’s that Noise? A Guide to Eliminating Unwanted Noise Interference on Location

Sound recording on any budget requires crystal clear audio in order for the production to be top quality. Unfortunately, unwanted noise interference, especially when filming on location can lead to the need for re-recording audio in order to get rid of nasty noise obstacles. Follow along to learn how to recognize noise and sound interference […]
Should I Hire an Audio Editor
Should I Hire an Audio Editor? Deciding whether to hire an audio editor is a big task. You may think you don’t need one, or that you can cut corners and save money. But is it really worth it NOT to hire an audio editor? We’re showing you what an audio editor can do and […]
How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Location Sound Mixer?

If you were wondering “how much does it cost to hire a location sound mixer,” then it’s important to understand the role and responsibilities they will play for your production. The location sound mixer, or sound recordist will work with you during pre-production and production of the video project to ensure top-notch audio. The total […]