8 Traits to Look for in a Top New York Cinematographer

8 Traits to Look for in a Top New York Cinematographer

Filmmaking is a highly creative task that requires strong attention to detail and a passion for delivering key concepts that relate to the director’s creative vision. A great New York cinematographer will lead the camera crew to success by using his or her creative talents and confident attitude to achieve a cohesive delivery of the director’s vision on the screen.

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We typically see confidence, leadership, and creativity as some of the top traits for a New York cinematographer as well as many others.

1. Tolerance

A great New York cinematographer can roll with the punches, accepting changes as they come and being prepared to work stronger and harder under the pressure that comes. A tolerance and ability to deal with stress is important.

2. Meticulous

Beverly Boy camera crew

Recognizing when even the smallest detail may result in a scene or shot not being delivered in the way that it was intended or expected, cinematographers are meticulous and can spot change or something out of place from a mile away.

This is important, especially for continuity purposes.

3. Flexibility

A great New York cinematographer will be flexible and easy to get along with or to work with.

They put the minds of others on the set at ease, have a patience about them that is just easygoing and understandable. They’re not concerned with all the tiny hiccups.

4. Technologically Savvy

Camera equipment, lighting, and all the different technology that takes place around the film set just to produce a single shot or scene can certainly be overwhelming.

A cinematographer that is technically savvy will be comfortable on the set and have the understanding of various components and parts that are required to bring the film to life.

5. Energetic

Not just energetic but strong! New York film sets often require long working hours in extreme weather conditions.

It takes a person with great stamina and strength to handle the long working hours and challenging conditions of the set without being exhausted all the time.

6. Intuitive

BBP Cinematographer

Intuitive thinkers that can come up with creative and insightful ideas to fix random problems as they arise on the film set, a New York cinematographer will frequently think outside the box.

They’ll try new things and take risks if it means that they can deliver great results.

7. Competitive 

But not always! A great New York cinematographer likes a little healthy competition but they’re equally satisfied with stepping back and accepting that someone else has a better idea or plan. While competition is fierce, so too is the desire to succeed as a  team!

8. Efficient

A New York cinematographer recognizes the time sensitivities that come with producing films and the fact that time is money.

They’re efficient and prepared long before their scheduled shoot time and they make sure not to waste the time of others on the film set.

They recognize that time is valuable and aim for efficiencies in all that they do.

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