
Video Production for Handyman Service Franchises

A healthy housing market generally contributes to a healthy handyman service market, too, but when the housing market isn’t great, handyman service franchises tend to struggle. The handyman is typically an expert of nothing but knows a lot, you might call them a “jack of all trades,” and franchises represent a unique industry of handyman and general repair services in which operations are solely franchised. Video Production for Handyman Service Franchises promotes franchise operations and increases community awareness of services that a handyman franchise has to offer.

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Marketing and advertising handyman service franchises can take on many individual and unique roles. While traditional handyman services are often a one-man-show that is represented by a sole-proprietor who works individually on local homes or buildings and properties providing maintenance and repairs, franchises employ larger groups of handymen. This particular market of handyman services franchises is a $4 billion dollar industry that represents about 1500 franchised businesses and employs nearly 20k workers.

At Beverly Boy Productions we work closely with handyman service franchises to provide professional video production services that will drive revenue growth, increase community awareness of the handyman services that a franchise offers, and bring in additional revenue conversions for the franchise. Together, our video marketing, advertising, and training content production will help you to grow your handyman service franchise to the next level.

Promotional Videos for Handyman Service Franchises

Promotional Video Production for Handyman Service Franchises is a great way to boost audience recognition of the various services that you provide and to build up the number of leads that you can produce for your business. Short, engaging promotional videos that teach your audience about the products or services provided by your handyman franchise and build up the level of audience awareness around your business can be an excellent opportunity to generate stronger sales, too.


Promotional videos increase the total amount of time your audience will stick around on your website to learn about your services and video can improve your search engine rankings. Many businesses are already utilizing promotional videos on social media, their website, their landing pages, and even on television to advertise their business or brand.

Marketing Videos for Handyman Service Franchises

Marketing videos for handyman service franchises encompass a wide range of different styles and types of videos including:

  • Vlogs that showcase the various types of handyman services and maintenance contracting that the handyman provides.
  • Featured videos that represent the handyman services and general repairs that a handyman can offer.
  • Explainer videos which help the audience to understand how handyman services work or what to expect after calling and booking a handyman.
  • Interview videos that provide live question and answer sessions with your handyman.

If you own a handyman service franchise that is not already engaging in video marketing, you need to get started as soon as possible. Failure to advertise online with video is potentially leaving money on the table and could set your franchise apart leaving you well-behind the competition. For a competitive advantage, video marketing is key to the success of your franchise.

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Training Videos for Handyman Service Franchises

Many handyman service franchises and contractors are already utilizing video training or at least some form of video to help their team grow and as many as 73% of leaders plan to develop more customized learning content utilizing video in the near future.

Training Video Production for Handyman Service Franchises can:

  • Provide a better opportunity for engagement of your employees.
  • Improve knowledge retention among your new hires and employees.
  • Offer a measurable training experience in which details can be shared with stakeholders.
  • Provide an easy to access, fun to engage with onboarding and training program.
  • Increase employee retention by providing them with a stronger chance for success.

If you’re not using video to train your handyman or the professionals that provide support for those that are part of your handyman services business, you’re probably doing a disservice to your current employees and to those you hire. Don’t be one of the 12% of companies that are not utilizing video as part of their training program!

Interview Videos for Handyman Service Franchises

Establishing trust and authority for your handyman service franchises business is essential, especially since a handyman will often need to enter the home or apartment of the customer to provide necessary maintenance or repair. If you cannot get the customer to trust you, you’ll never make it through their front door to provide the necessary repair and get paid for the work.


Interview videos for handyman franchises can build up credibility and authority for your business so that your audience will trust in you and your contractors. At Beverly Boy Productions, we provide these professional services and many other options in Video Production for Handyman Service Franchises to help you build audience awareness, boost confidence and commitment, and build trust that will lead to higher revenue and sales for your business.

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