How to Use a Sizzle Video in Your Network Marketing Business
As a network marketing business owner, the more prospects you can qualify and pre-determine for your list the better. Learning how to use a sizzle video in your network marketing business to build hype around your brand and generate excitement among your prospects is incredibly important. This is your opportunity to build your network up, determine who is most interested in your business or brand, and keep going onto the next prospect on your list.
A professionally produced sizzle reel will provide your prospects with enough information about your network marketing business for them to decide whether they want more information or not. Those who show interest following engagement in your sizzle reel can be added to your marketing funnel for additional lead nurturing, and those who appear to have lost interest can be put on the back burner, plain and simple.
This is all part of producing a winning network marketing strategy for your business which is the number one most important step toward growing your brand. At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in the production of sizzle videos for network marketing businesses. Give us a call to learn how to use a sizzle video in your network marketing business for maximum effects.
What is a Sizzle Video?
A sizzle reel or sizzle video is a short, fast-paced compilation style video that showcases your business and highlights all of the great features and important details around your brand that your prospects need to know. You can use a sizzle video to catch the interest of prospects and quickly provide them with details about the business to influence their decision whether to stick with you and move forward or not.
Generally, sizzle reels are about 2-3 minutes long and they feature mixed media that includes live-action b-roll footage, short video clips, and a mix of testimonials, reviews, or other content and images that share the visual story of your network marketing business or brand. All of this is synchronized to music and voice-over narration is used to share the story of the brand with the viewer.
What is the Purpose of a Sizzle Video?
If you’re trying to figure out how to use a sizzle video in your networking marketing business, you’re probably thinking about the purpose of the video and what you can do with it. The purpose of a sizzle reel is to build hype or excitement around your business. You’ll use this video in the early part of your marketing funnel, when you’re building awareness around your business or brand and helping to educate your target audience about the services or unique products that you’ll offer.
A great sizzle video will:
- Connect with the target audience.
- Tap into a prospect’s “why” so that they consider joining your network.
- Share testimonials from past prospects that are part of your network.
- Share very brief details about the value proposition of your network marketing business.
- End with a call to action that tells the prospect what you want them to do.
Sizzle videos will help you to build up prospect interest around your network marketing business so that you can quickly determine who goes into your lead funnel for additional nurturing.
How to Use a Sizzle Video
Are you still trying to figure out how to use a sizzle video in your network marketing business? Consider the use of your sizzle video in your social media marketing and outreach as well as at the top of your campaign funnels. You might share your sizzle video in email campaigns to boost audience response as well as on your website to increase audience exposure to the details and information that is included in the video.
By sharing your sizzle reel at the top of the funnel, where you’re just building up prospect insight into your business or brand, you can use it to educate your audience about your business and generate hype around your brand. The sizzle reel should be the first of many marketing videos that will push your audience down your funnel toward conversion.
Use your sizzle reel to:
- Increase email click through rate.
- Increase conversions within your email campaigns.
- Drive organic traffic to your website.
- Increase landing page conversions.
- Build hype around your network marketing business.
- Build up anticipation around an upcoming networking event.
- Showcase key highlights or important details that are relevant to your business.
Whether you’re learning how to use a sizzle video in your network marketing business at the very beginning of your campaign when you’re just getting started or you’ve been marketing and prospecting for a while before you have had the chance to include video in your campaigns, this type of content is ideal at the top of the funnel where building awareness around your campaign is key to generating network interest.
As you can see, learning how to use a sizzle video in your network marketing business isn’t challenging or hard, but it can be beneficial and exciting. If you’re ready to put video to work for your business, give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We can’t wait to work with you on your network marketing campaigns!