How to Land Video Production Jobs in Toronto
The Toronto film industry is rapidly growing with recent years accounting for some of the highest ever levels of investments in digital, television, and commercial production. Those who already work in the Toronto film industry realize the competitive nature of it all, but for those seeking to land video production jobs in Toronto the entire scene can be overwhelming. There’s certainly no shortage of opportunity when it comes to finding video production jobs in Toronto, but landing your first paid position on the film set can definitely pose some challenges.
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At Beverly Boy Productions, we’ve put together a list of activities that can assist you in landing video production jobs in Toronto, or anywhere in the film industry. To connect with Team Beverly Boy, or to learn more about our services, give us a call at 888-462-7808. Follow these tips to secure a paid position on the film set.
1. Knowledge is Power, Seek to Learn as Much as You Can
You don’t necessarily have to go to film school in order to land a paid position on the film set. In fact, many don’t go to film school and yet they still go on to be professionals in the film industry.
While you may not need formal school, knowledge is power and it is important to have a level of understanding in order to land a role on any set. You should be actively trying to learn as much as you can about film whenever you can.
Seek knowledge by:
– Attending a free class.
– Enrolling in an online course.
– Volunteering on a film set.
– Communicating with others in the film industry.
– Getting hands on experience.
2. Improve Your Resume
If you haven’t updated your resume in a while — do it now! Landing video production jobs in Toronto will almost certainly require you to have an updated resume. In fact, your resume is the first impression that many Directors, hiring managers, or studio owners will have of you – make it count!
If your resume doesn’t reflect your most recent work experience or skills, start by updating those sections. If you’re not sure about how to write a professional resume, or how to use your resume to tell your story, consider hiring a professional resume writer.
3. Volunteer your Services
Landing video production jobs in Toronto may require a bit of a back door kind of entrance if you truly want to get involved on the film set. Instead of only being open to paid opportunities, you might find success in volunteering your services.
Offer your skills on the set in exchange for the opportunity which can then be added to your resume as work history, can be included in your portfolio, and gives you something to post on social media about. All are great options to help you with your networking and the volunteer work may potentially lead to a paid position later on.
Just make sure that your volunteer services don’t reach a point of exploitation. If you find yourself volunteering for more than a couple of weeks, or if the work is not providing you with added training or skills, it may be time to move on and try something else.
4. Write a Personalized Cover Letter
A personalized cover letter can literally make the difference between whether you land video production jobs in Toronto, or not. Make sure that your cover letter is personalized to the hiring manager, Director, or whomever is in charge of hiring for the position.
It’s also important that the cover letter directly addresses the position for which you’re applying and includes key details about your work experience which apply to that particular position. Please don’t just use a template!
5. Network with Other Toronto Filmmakers
Landing video production jobs in Toronto is really a matter of continued interaction and networking with others in the industry. You should be actively engaging with area filmmakers and professionals.
Connect on social media and share your story. Post about your volunteer efforts and the various filmmaking activities that you take part in.
Make a point to spend a set amount of time networking and building relationships with others in the industry each day or week. Because in the end, many video production jobs in Toronto are about who you know!