How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Knoxville?
How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Knoxville is what we are going to explain. First, you should know that there are a number of things that can influence your TV commercial production cost. We can discuss those further. We’d like to make you aware that, Whether you are looking to air your commercial on local cable through Spectrum, or local Knoxville broadcast affiliates like WATE ABC6, or WVLT CBS8, we have experts to help you with that.
To give you a clue as to the cost of a television ad in Knoxville, we can provide you with an estimate of $1,500 to $150,000. We can answer further questions on this, or encourage you to visit our Knoxville TV commercial production page to see samples and chat with us about your project.
30 second TV commercial in Knoxville
For those that are curious, a 30 second TV commercial in Knoxville is just as effective as a standard ad. The only difference is in the length of the commercial.
They still receive quality broadcast time on WBIR ABC10, and can be shown all over Tennessee. We can provide further information on a 30 second TV commercial in Knoxville if you request.
The cost to produce a 30 second commercial in Knoxville is on the lower end, budget wise. We can quote around $1,500-$3,500. This is a great opportunity for those who don’t want to spend too much.
No matter what budget size you have, we can provide information for any range of TV commercial production cost.

Know what you want.
The cost of producing a television commercial in Knoxville, Tennessee really relies on the types of services you will need for your project. If you have these already in mind, then it will be even easier to answer How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Knoxville. For those who don’t, you can easily browse samples online to get ideas.
We always request that your ideas be shared with us because it aids us in planning your video and budget. Our experience helps us film commercials all over Tennessee.
We can start in Alcoa, or maybe with a corporate commercial in Farragut, or even a pharmaceutical and medical promotional video in Maryville. Whatever you need, we can handle.

You need high production value
Just how essential is high production value? Well, if you want a truly remarkable video, then the answer is very. This means dealing with the numerous costs of actors, a makeup artist, professional camera crew, a studio, a director, and a few other things.
Yes these added expenses, totaling around $20k to $30k, make it a little more challenging to answer how much does it cost to produce a commercial in Knoxville.
Hiring A professional video production company to manage your TV commercial production cost, can make your workload a whole lot lighter. This is good news, especially if you have been stressing about the cost of producing a Knoxville television commercial.

Get your knoxville commercial quote here!
How much does it Cost to air a local commercial in Knoxville
The next topic regarding your TV spot is How much does it cost to air a commercial in Knoxville. A rough estimate for the cost of A 30 second commercial in Knoxville is $50 or $80 per spot, to $1,500, or $20,000 per spot. TV Advertising can at times be considered location based.
This is because location often influences price. A quick example: if you were to only air your commercial in Knoxville or on the local Knoxville TV market, it would be less expensive.
If you wanted to reach a larger audience, or broadcast outside of Knoxville, Tennessee, then your cost would be a lot more expensive. You would need the help of a prime time broadcast network TV program. These typically cost $10,000 plus per 30 sec TV spot, but provide a great service to your TV advertisement.

Final Step
With our explanation of how much does it cost to produce a commercial in Knoxville completed, we can move onto other information for your TV commercial. The first step in airing it is to know the broadcast requirements of the local network in Knoxville.
Once they see that your TV advertisement surpasses all their expectations they will have no problems broadcasting it. You can call Team Beverly Boy at 888-462-7808 for more information on this, or for a free quote.