How Much Does it Cost to Shoot Time-lapse?

Shooting time-lapse video is certainly a different process from standard video production. Unlike projects that are produced in real-time, time-lapse video production costs are based more on the ongoing collection of video that takes place over an extended period of time. Pricing for time-lapse video is thus based on a two-step approach, first there’s the cost involved in the ongoing collection of footage and then there’s the cost involved in actually producing the time-lapse video as a finished project. So if you’re considering time-lapse videos but you’re wondering, “How much does it cost to shoot time-lapse?” The answer is, “it varies.”

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Fees and costs for time-lapse video production are varied widely based on the length of the total time-lapse collection and on the parameters of the finished video (i.e. how long it is, what kinds of effects are used, and other factors).

At Beverly Boy Productions, we try to break down time-lapse video production costs for clients based on their individual needs, but we’ve outlined some of the cost expectations below to help you understand what goes into the final cost of time-lapse video production.

Equipment Costs

When you ask, “How much does it cost to shoot time-lapse?” The first thing we think about is equipment costs. Who’s going to pay for the equipment — us or the client?

This is important because if we supply the equipment, then we take the risk of something happening to our equipment while it’s left for an extended period of time to capture the footage required.

However, if the client supplies the equipment then there’s a risk that it will not be adequate to capture footage the way we would like. 

Most of the time, we supply equipment and also provide clients with a monthly maintenance fee that allows for both the rental of the equipment as well as monthly monitoring of the equipment to ensure it is safe and secure.

The costs for equipment rental and maintenance can range between about $300 and $1000 per month.

Installation Costs

The next costs to consider with any time-lapse shoot involve installing the equipment. Generally it will require 1 day or more for us to install the appropriate equipment for the time-lapse. Some projects can require more time.

For example, if we are going to install equipment atop a pole for time-lapse shooting on a construction site, there will be time required to plant the pole and concrete it into the ground so that it is secure before we install our camera equipment and prepare it for the shoot.

These costs vary based on the individual needs of the project. They typically run just a few hundred dollars. Multiple cameras to install can add to these costs as can tricky or difficult elements or areas to install in. 

Post-Production Costs

BBP post production editing

You asked, “How much does it cost to shoot time-lapse?” and we explained in the beginning that costs involve both the cost of capturing the time-lapse video footage as well as costs involving post-production editing to ensure the final finished project.

The post-production editing costs will range based on the crew needs and the final finished length of your video. The average cost for finished video is typically between $1,000 and $10,000 per minute.

This is a good rule to go by when determining the total post-production costs of your video but keep in mind that there will be some adjustments because you’re dealing with time-lapse and it is different from a standard production.

As you can see, the total cost to shoot time-lapse really varies based on individual project needs, the total length of time spent shooting and the total finished length of the video project.

For an exact answer to your question, “How much does it cost to shoot time-lapse?” Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!