How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in Copenhagen

Live streaming an event is something that Copenhagen business owners have thought about, especially since COVID-19 caused closures and led to changes to the ways that businesses and events operate. These changes resulted in many business owners finding places to live stream their events. Those considering event streaming wonder, “how much does it cost to stream an event in Copenhagen?”

 Copenhagen Live Streaming Company

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Beverly Boy Productions frequently goes over Copenhagen live streaming costs with our clients and our goal is to provide as much info as possible about live streaming, but the costs are not always black and white. This is why we typically state that event live streaming runs between $1,000 and $5,000, for most events, but we note that there are factors that can contribute to higher costs.

Copenhagen Event Streaming Costs

 BBP broadcast room

Streaming your event often includes other costs or things for you to consider, based on the size of the event, how long it is, and the crew members required to produce the live stream.

When you ask “how much does it cost to stream an event in Copenhagen?,” we think about the following rates:

  • Narrator – up to $407 per hour
  • Equipment – up to $107s per hour
  • B-Roll – a percentage of the overall costs, between 17 and 57%
  • Streaming platform – $57 to $1,007 (based on the platform and usage)
  • Miscellaneous Fees – could be 1,007s, or none at all
  • Camera Operator – up to $407 per hour
  • Switcher – up to $207 per hour
  • Director – up to $257 per hour

Equipment and venue rental, and other things, like a CDN, have not been included on this list.

Event Streaming Cost Considerations


When a Copenhagen business owner asks us, ‘How much does it cost to stream an event in Copenhagen?” details about the event can help narrow down the streaming costs. For example, information like:

  • The length of the event plays a role because longer events need more crew working more hours, resulting in higher costs.
  • The size of the viewing audience is also important because larger audiences require a higher bandwidth for the event to be streamed properly.
  • The size of the event is also important for us to know because a simple presentation needs fewer crew members than a complex event will need.

Copenhagen virtual event cost 

We get the details of your Copenhagen virtual event cost lined out so that we can determine the total budget of the live stream. For most single day events, between $1,000 and $5,000 is to be expected.

However, an event running a few days or requiring multiple working crews and advanced gear, with skilled engineer to keep it all moving, will have higher costs.

When you ask, “how much does it cost to stream an event in Copenhagen?” we may provide you with you a blanket answer of “from $1,000- $5,000.” but we’ll generally follow that up with more questions about your event to help us line out the exact price for your individual situation.