
How to Create a Video Based E-Learning Program

Learning how to create a video based e-learning program that your audience is going to connect with and immediately engage with is important. As more business owners turn to e-learning to train their employees as well as to offer training and insight to customers, there’s no better time to learn how to create an e-learning program that’s right for your target audience. 

E-learning courses provide a unique opportunity for learners to gain experience in a wide variety of subjects. If you’re ready to help your target audience achieve its learning goals and objectives, give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We’ll put more than two decades of experience to work for you in the production of a e-learning program that’s ideal for your target audience. From start to finish, we’ll help you learn how to create a video based e-learning program that is perfect for your audience!

Choose a Topic to Teach

The first step to figuring out how to create a video based e-learning program is to choose a topic that you’re going to teach. This also means you need to choose a target audience to teach, too. The audience and the topic kind of go hand-in-hand, mainly because your audience must resonate with what you have to teach or else they won’t be very excited or engaged. 

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of topics that you can teach your target audience. You can teach your clients how to use your products or services. You can teach your customers how to maximize their use of a particular product you offer. You could teach your employees how to respond to customers or how to provide appropriate customer service. You could teach literally anything you want!

Prepare a Course Template

The next step is to create a course template. You need to know what the most important topics of your course are and you must prepare a template that outlines an appropriate plan to teach each topic. Think about how you want to formulate your e-learning program. How will you capture the interest of your audience? How will you keep them engaged for each lesson? How will you close each lesson?

This is also where you will start thinking about a template or page layout that will be used for your course. Learning how to create a video based e-learning program generally requires that you hire a professional production crew to help with the filming portion of the course. You don’t want the course to appear low-quality, which is why we recommend you hire a professional!

Set Learning Objectives

As you’ve come up with the template, it’s important to start thinking carefully about the learning objectives that you will have for your course. This will be vital for your marketing and it will be important for your students. Make sure that your learning objects target the topic of your course, will help your students achieve a particular goal, and make sense.  Generally, learning objectives are going to start off simple and grow with the course. Keep this in mind as you plan.

Define the Course of Instruction 

How are you going to teach your course? Will there be an introduction followed by a key lesson and closing quiz? Will there be several instructional videos followed by a unit quiz? Will there not be any quizzes at all? All of this is totally up to you!

As you’re defining the course of instruction, think about your learning objectives and how your instruction applies to each of those objectives. Make sure that you plan out each objective carefully and that you define the course of instruction around the objectives that you wish to achieve.

Choose Course Technology

This is largely where a professional comes into play. By hiring a film crew to work with you on learning how to create a video based e-learning program, you’ll have much of the technology aspect covered. However, in case you don’t hire a professional, you’ll need to determine what tools you’ll use for your e-learning program and what system will be used to manage the content. 

If you’re new to this, consider reviewing other course platforms and technology first. Check reviews to get a feel for what others like and dislike about the technology before you make a decision. Consider cost, design features, flexibility, and access. You don’t want a course platform that your audience can’t engage with, so make sure that what you choose is accessible to the average audience member.

Film & Distribute the Course

Once you’ve planned everything out, it’s time to film your e-learning program. Working with a professional film crew, like Beverly Boy Productions, takes much of the question out of learning how to create a video based e-learning program. We’ll film and prepare your e-learning course for distribution to your target audience so that all you have to worry about is what you want to teach and how! To learn more about the process of creating an e-learning course, give Beverly Boy Productions a call so that we can discuss the next steps with you and your team!

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