Don’t Cancel, Host a Virtual High School Graduation Ceremony
Many schools are facing the grave decision to cut graduation ceremonies this year as a result of COVID-19 and the potential health risks involved in gathering in large groups. However, there’s no need to cancel high school graduation all together. Hosting a virtual high school graduation ceremony represents a key opportunity for educators and those responsible for commencement to give the students the ceremony they deserve without risking the health or safety of others.
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What is a Virtual High School Graduation?
Attending a high school graduation ceremony is something parents, grandparents, and loved ones dream of. We all want to support high school graduates and commend them for a job well done.
Unfortunately, for the first time in about a hundred years, it looks like many high school graduations may be canceled due to health concerns resulting from COVID-19. However, virtual high school graduations are an option.
Albeit, an option that many have not yet considered because most don’t really know what a virtual high school graduation is. A virtual high school graduation is just that — it’s virtual.
In other words, virtual high school graduation ceremonies take place in the virtual world, online, for friends, family and others to see. If you’re still not sure what a virtual high school graduation is, consider this: Have you ever watched an Olympic ceremony?
You probably have and you most likely did so on television or online from your computer. This was broadcast for you to watch, however it was most likely filmed and then later shown at a time that was most appropriate to the audience and the television channel showing it.
A virtual high school graduation is sort of like that. It is a ceremony that actually takes place, and is filmed and then broadcast online. The primary difference is that the goal is to broadcast the virtual high school graduation ceremony in real time, or via live stream.
Live broadcasting online is a relatively new, technical, and super innovative opportunity — and it’s perfect for a virtual high school graduation.
Who Can Watch a Virtual High School Graduation?
ANYONE! However, if you’re interested in something more private, there are also ways to encrypt the broadcast so that only those who are invited are able to watch the event.
The point is, virtual high school graduation ceremonies that are live streamed have the potential to deliver the high school graduation experience to friends and family that are local or distant.
People can watch from home or while on the go. They can use a phone, laptop, tablet or computer to engage in the live viewing of the high school graduation ceremony of the teens they are so proud of.
Hire a Virtual High School Graduation Broadcast Crew
Ready to broadcast your high school graduation to the world? Beverly Boy Productions specializes in live streaming and broadcasting services and we can’t wait to help you coordinate and capture your high school graduation ceremony.
COVID-19, or not, nothing should stop you from holding a high school graduation ceremony that is 13 years or more in the making. Give us a call to learn how we can help you host a virtual high school graduation ceremony and live stream it to the audience of your choice.