Top Corporate Video Companies Offer 7 Tips for Engaging Videos

Top Corporate Video Companies Offer 7 Tips for Engaging Videos 

There’s some untold premise in the corporate marketing world that has people believing that corporate videos have to be dry and dull. Boring, if you will. But that’s so untrue! In fact, the top corporate video companies don’t create boring and dull videos for B2B marketing. In fact, they say that corporate video doesn’t have to be dull and boring at all and that it should be inspiring, exciting, emotional, entertaining, and fun for the end consumer to view. If you’re struggling to hit the mark with your corporate videos, checkout these tips from the top corporate video companies on producing engaging videos. 

1. Share a Story 

Great videos share a story. Tell the story of your brand with corporate videos. The narrative can help the end consumer to connect with the content that you’re sharing. Just because your sharing corporate videos with your employees, that doesn’t mean that they all know the background story of your brand. Share the story of why your brand is the way it is. How you go there. And what makes your brand what it is today. You’ll be surprised at how many employees didn’t know the story behind the brand. 

2. Stay Light 

Corporate messages can quickly become dry and gritty. Keep the tone light by injecting some humor into the video. The top corporate video companies mention using humor as motivation to keep corporate videos friendly and easy to connect with. 

3. Keep Quality High 

It’s easy to say, “eh, only employees will see this so we don’t really need a professional videographer to help with the production.” But what does that say to your employees> The top corporate video companies mention that quality production was key to showing employees the importance of continued quality across the board for the brand–in all things we do. 

4. Be Prepared to Compete 

What’s the competition doing? The top corporate video companies mention that following the competition and taking notes on what they do with their marketing message is key to staying abreast of any key industry tactics that you should be incorporating into your internal marketing content. 

5. State the Facts 

Facts and figures are important, but don’t just throw the numbers out there without any support. State the facts and let your audience know where the statistics and data come from. Share the data on a graph or chart and display the facts and statistics behind your message. Your audience will feel more connected and invested in what they are seeing this way. 

6. Engage Your Audience 

The top corporate video companies recognize the value in direct engagement with the audience. Videos that engage your audience are more likely to result in information that sticks with them and they can remember. As you work to build your relationship with your employees, use your videos to engage comments, questions, and concerns from members of the team. Consider this for additional marketing too.

7. Differentiate the Video Content .

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A final message from the top corporate video companies focuses on how we can produce content that relates to each of our employees in some capacity. Recognizing that all employees are different, consider producing different types of videos so that you can avoid video fatigue and so that you are sure to connect with your audience in the most appropriate manner. Some employees will be more apt to connect with one form of video over the other. Diversifying your videos will help you to reach employees with different views, interests, and goals. 

Ready to create corporate videos? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call. 

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