Title 5 Reasons Video Content is Failing

5 Reasons Your Video Content is Failing (And How to Fix It)

Top-notch quality content is vital if you actually want to attract the attention of your customers. Unfortunately, many businesses find that their video content is consistently missing the mark when it comes to reaching the consumer and encouraging them to take action. Videos fail for all kinds of different reasons, but the number one factor is attracting the wrong customers to the content. Check out these top reasons your video content is failing, and what you can do to achieve video marketing success in the future.



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Lack of a Content Plan

content marketing plan

Maybe you do have a content plan, but it’s focused more on delivering content at the bottom of the funnel, and you’re missing out on the consumers lingering at the top. Maybe you don’t have a full content plan at all?

Many businesses go about content marketing all wrong and that haphazard path carries through to their video marketing too. Unfortunately, without a plan, you’re spinning your wheels.

Plan your content marketing strategy so that you know exactly what customers your targeting and how at every stage of the game. Video marketing isn’t cheap, but it can be extremely effective if you go about it with a planned strategy that works for your brand.


Are you posting video content randomly or intermittently? Inconsistencies in your content marketing, both with written content and with video content, can quickly derail any potential you have at becoming a content marketing success.

In fact, even the best video content has little chance if it is inconsistent and hardly finds its way in front of the viewing audience on a regular basis.

Make sure your video content strategy includes regular posting that consumers can come to expect. Even if you only post once a month, consistent monthly posts are always better than random, one-off content that comes on a whim and disappears just as fast.

Videos Lack Customer Connections

build customer connections

Are you posting video content regularly with no regard to who your customer actually is or what matters to them? Videos that lack an emotional connection with the consumer will not achieve great success for your brand.

In fact, video content that the consumer cannot resonate with will most certainly miss the mark and result in substantial costs for your brand with limited benefits to back the content up.

Take the time to get to know your audience before you begin creating any kind of digital content. Learn how you can push the emotional buttons of the consumer so that they will resonate with your content.

You Ignore Your Customers

Do your videos lack any real substance that shows your customer that you are paying attention to them? Businesses often produce videos that lack substance and they fail to connect with the consumer.

If you’re not listing to your consumer and delivering content that meets their needs and expectations, you’re going to fail. Now is the type to deliver content that proves to your audience that you did your homework, listened to them and cared about their needs.

Your Content Strategy is Disconnected

Maybe you have a content plan, and a video plan, and a social media plan. But are they all strategized together in a way that they can all function as separate but equally important parts?

You need your content marketing, videos, social media and other channels to effectively work together, but in order to do so they must be connected to one another.

Ready to work with a video production company that will effectively piece all of the working parts of your video marketing strategy together to get the most for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We Can’t wait to assist you.

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