Colleges and Universities Live Stream in New York
History has shown just how important certain steps are in reducing the spread of this virus that can impact our communities in serious ways. The phenomenon known as “Flattening the Curve” has spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, learning centers such as colleges and universities are now looking at remaining closed for up to two months or more, but classes must go on. Live stream classes are now becoming the norm for schools hoping to help flatten the curve.
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Colleges and Universities Live Stream in New York is a great opportunity to connect and still remaining safe this season.
From Columbia University to New York University, the best solution for preventing the serious effects of this virus that has taken the world by storm could be that colleges and universities live stream in New York, which can also help to prevent long-term school closures.
Flatten What Curve?
The “Curve” refers to a visual of the possible effects in the United States if COVID-19 continues to infect people at a speed with no preventative measures in place.
Flattening the curve is what the country is attempting to do with moderate measures in place and what would happen if more draconian measures were in place, such as enforced lock down or complete social isolation.
Essentially, what would happen without prevention measures in place is that the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. would be so quick and intense that hospitals would not be able to treat the high number of sick people that would need treatment.
Even with the current measures in place to reduce the spread, through social distancing and school closures, the curve has risen a bit but is definitely flattening with a lower impact to the health system, with the hope that it will remain this way.
“Flattening the curve” and how we do it will make a difference in how many deaths we see form the novel Coronavirus over the weeks and even months to come. Health officials have always used this term but until COVID-19, most Americans didn’t use it as the household word it has become today.
The idea is that, if we can “flatten the curve” then we can avoid hundreds of thousands of people from getting sick with COVID-19 virus and thus, keep our hospitals from being flooded with COVID-19 patients which our healthcare infrastructure would not be able to handle, both in New York and across the country.
This is why schools around the nation have shut their doors, planning to hold online classes and won’t resume in-person classes until the shelter-in-place order has been lifted, which could last for 30 days or more.
With that being said, not every college or university has decided to forget classes or courses all together.
This is a reason why the decision to have colleges and universities live stream in New York could be highly beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows students to still be able to study from the comfort and safety of their homes.
Live Streaming Classes for Colleges & Universities
Live streaming classes are often found in many colleges without the Coronavirus. A lot of students even enjoy viewing courses through a live stream while at home or in their dorm.
For busy, millennial college students, live stream courses are what they’re used to anyway and a lot of students are happy for this opportunity to study-from-home.
Live streaming for schools can include everything from standard admission courses to advanced level courses, and really any class provided by a university.
While it could seem like a huge task, as social distancing starts becoming the norm around the country, a lot of students are happy for the idea that they can still access their courses through quality live streaming technology.
Here’s a Video of Our Live Stream Services
If colleges and universities live stream in New York, it could even be beneficial for helping students learn at a deeper level than ever before.
There are many more benefits to using live stream classes for college students, including:
- Lectures are available even after the lecture has been given.
- Providing long-distance learning programs that otherwise would not have been available.
- It makes it easy to have discussion times AFTER the lesson so that students are able to have more time to prepare for discussions, etc.
- It’s easier for students to have better comprehension and improved retention of what they’re learning in the classroom.
- Multi-modal support for those that are non-traditional learners.
There Are More Live Stream Opportunities Than Just College Classes
At the university level, there are more opportunities for live streaming for students. College seminars and lectures are also options for reaching students with the educational opportunities they need to learn and keep up with their “college life” and studies, even if they’re stuck at home or off campus.
When life “goes back to normal” and students start to flood campuses once again, a lot of universities will have found the benefits of live streaming video production in New York, and will continue to use them for campus events and sporting events.
In fact, universities will be able to charge a pay-per-view fee for sporting events so that they can get a return on investment for streaming production expenses.
What’s the Best Live Streaming Option For Colleges & Universities?
As many colleges hope to live stream courses, you may wonder, “what is the best live streaming solution out there for colleges, etc.?” Every university is unique and there could be a different setup that is ideal for each one.
You will want to make sure that you work with a New York live stream production provider that can help you with growth and the talent to help you use live streaming services for more opportunities for your school and campus.
To find out how live streaming at your college or university can be beneficial for the current situation in the U.S. and for your school’s future, give Beverly Boy Productions a call.
We know how to determine what will work best for your school near Washington Square Park or elsewhere in the city. We know how to do the hard work to help colleges and universities live stream in New York.
From on-campus seminars to classes, there are many reasons why live-streaming services are a great option for your school.
We’d love to see which university-based option is best for your needs, so let Team Beverly Boy help you by producing the live-streaming courses and classes you need to keep in touch with your students during this time. Call us today at 646-448-8787!